Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Turning Your Staff Into Gladiators

Imagine how far your organization can propel when the people connected are so in tune with the mission they are one with it. Life Coach Early Jackson shares key principles so there’s a flow released to learn how to embrace your ‘inner’ Gladiator and accomplish total victory
PodOmatic | Best Free Podcasts

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

How To Take Ownership of Your Emotions | Cherese Jackson

It's time to stop blaming outside forces and circumstances for your emotional rants - Take responsibility for how you react to situations and circumstances | How To Take Ownership of Your Emotions | Cherese Jackson

Empowering Boys with Life Skills 02/05 by Marie Roker Jones | Blog Talk Radio

Join Coach Early Jackson as he shares as a guest on the show, "Raising Great Men" on today, February 5, 2013 @ 6:30pm. You won't be disappointed!

Empowering Boys with Life Skills 02/05 by Marie Roker Jones | Blog Talk Radio