Friday, December 28, 2012

The No BS Strategy for 2013

Listen now for free as Coach Early Jackson breaks down why hope is not a viable strategy for this coming year!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Its ok to ask why

Its ok to ask why: Let’s get real for a second! Life, family and balancing a career can get hectic at times. If we were to gauge from the images and fronts everyone has up, we would.....

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Tribal Leadership 3 - YouTube

Coach Early Jackson shares principals on Tribal Leadership at the Suffolk Early Childhood Conference.

Tribal Leadership 3 - YouTube

Tribal Leadership 2 - YouTube

Coach Early Jackson shares principals on Tribal Leadership at the Suffolk Early Childhood Conference.

Tribal Leadership 2 - YouTube

Tribal Leadership 1 - YouTube

Coach Early Jackson shares principals on Tribal Leadership at the Suffolk Early Childhood Conference.

Tribal Leadership 1 - YouTube

Finish the fourth quarter with a strong comeback | Inside Business

Want to finish the year with a bang? Of course you do! Check out my article in this week's Inside Business!

Finish the fourth quarter with a strong comeback | Inside Business

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Finishing Your 4th Quarter Strong

Life Coach Early Jackson shares basic principles of life to make the fourth quarter victorious.

PodOmatic | Best Free Podcasts

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

D.O.A. - Discovering Our Authenticity

D.O.A. outlines a practical action plan for having a life of true authenticity. Coach Early shares witty principles to unlock dramatic results in your life.

PodOmatic | Best Free Podcasts

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Doing It Like Disney!

The only symbol to rival McDonald's for a child's recognition, Disney, is a global force. In this informative session, Coach Early shares the wisdom behind the mouse and how to Do It Like Disney!

PodOmatic | Best Free Podcasts

Your Body Language Is Vital!

Your Body Language Is Vital!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Next Level Living: How To Rebuild Life From Scratch | Life Coaches Network

How great life could be if it came with a restart button that would allow you to pick up where you left off. Usually, that’s just not the case. Whether it is work, family or even personal finances, there are times when we are knocked off our square and have to build back up from the bottom.

Next Level Living: How To Rebuild Life From Scratch | Black Life Coaches Network

Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Unholy Trinity of Beliefs

Who we are and what we accomplish is greatly influenced by our beliefs. In fact, our beliefs are a big factor in how well we navigate through life. Coach Early shares vital information about The Unholy Trinity of Beliefs; False beliefs...Negative beliefs...and Limiting beliefs.

PodOmatic | Best Free Podcasts

Empowered Living: 4 Principles That Govern Successful People | Life Coaches Network

Empowered Living: 4 Principles That Govern Successful People | Black Life Coaches Network

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Five Motivational Myths

Motivation is one of the most misunderstood concepts on earth. In this podcast Coach Early Jackson shares five dominant myths about motivation and the truth about it. You'll never think of it the same again.

PodOmatic | Best Free Podcasts

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Empowered Living: Audit Your Life For Better Health and Happiness | Life Coaches Network

Check out my latest article on the Coaches Network about performing an audit on your life! "On the other side of the coin, there are some times in life when an audit is a valuable tool to assess how things are going. After all, if you never look at the books, how will you know when you are doing a good job?"

Empowered Living: Audit Your Life For Better Health and Happiness | Black Life Coaches Network

Saturday, September 1, 2012

It's time to get off the fence | Inside Business

‎"Let's start from the inside. Often we misunderstand what goes into making decisions and getting off our proverbial fences. But it starts as an inside job. Our life experiences have developed into a cement- like belief system."

It's time to get off the fence | Inside Business

It's time to get off the fence | Inside Business

It's time to get off the fence | Inside Business

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Change and Transition

itunes pic
Change and transition is a fundamental part of everyone's life. The key to success is actually understanding the difference. Change is what happens 'to' you while transition is about what is happening 'through' you. Learn the keys to managing both in this informative coaching session.

PodOmatic | Best Free Podcasts

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Empowered Living: 4 Tips On How to Recharge Your Life Battery | Life Coaches Network

A battery is the lifeline of our automobile and has the power to generate electricity throughout the engine. One small act of negligence can render it powerless and drained. At times, our lives can feel the same way. The daily grind of work, family, money issues, and even health can pull and pull on us until we feel there is nothing left. At those times, we feel like a dead battery needing to be recharged.

Empowered Living: 4 Tips On How to Recharge Your Life Battery | Black Life Coaches Network

Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Power of Intent

itunes pic
The mantra of mediocrity says, "It is what it is". Those that embrace the power of intent understand life is about laser focused actions. Learn the tools needed to recognize and release the power of intent in your life today.

PodOmatic | Best Free Podcasts

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Empowered Living: 3 Truths About Maximizing Life’s Momentum | Life Coaches Network

In this article, Cherese says, "Momentum is a concept much like the wind. It is rarely talked about but always felt. Momentum has existed under many aliases: flow, mojo, synergy, cohesiveness, motivation and many others. But the effects have all been undeniably the same. When you have momentum in your life, things have a way of working out

Empowered Living: 3 Truths About Maximizing Life’s Momentum | Black Life Coaches Network

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Next Level Living: How to Get Off the Fence of Indecision | Life Coaches Network

Anyone who’s had to navigate in the tough job market and economic climate today will tell you that indecisiveness can be crippling. Not having the ability to process information to make a quick strategic decision usually means the difference between prospering and utter failure. Many secretly struggle with “professional paralysis” and remain frustrated because they’ve never obtained the simple skills to get through the process.

Next Level Living: How to Get Off the Fence of Indecision | Black Life Coaches Network

Our words carry power - Norfolk Business |

Our words carry power - Norfolk Business |

Allow Me To Reintroduce Myself! The Power of A Personal Brand

Allow Me To Reintroduce Myself! The Power of A Personal Brand

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Unlocking Your Genius Gene

Unlocking Your Genius Gene - There is a genius inside of you that's just waiting to get out. You just need to find the key that will unlock and unleash your genius within... Listen as Life Coach Early Jackson shares principles that I'm sure will prove beneficial to your unlocking process

PodOmatic | Best Free Podcasts

Unlocking Your Genius Gene

There is a genius inside of you that's just waiting to get out. You just need to find the key that will unlock and unleash your genius within... Listen as Life Coach Early Jackson shares principles that I'm sure will prove beneficial to your unlocking process

Unlocking Your Genius Gene

Monday, August 6, 2012

Next Level Living: Our Words Have Power, Use Them With Care | Life Coaches Network

Even the toughest exteriors walk away with internal scars when words are used as weapons of mass destruction. What amazes humanity is that the tongue is the lightest organ we possess, yet it has started more wars and has been responsible for more tragedy than anything else.

Next Level Living: Our Words Have Power, Use Them With Care | Black Life Coaches Network

Monday, July 23, 2012

Accountability - YouTube

Watch and listen as Life Coach Early Jackson shares the value of accountability!   Accountability - YouTube

Next Level Living: Stay in Your Lane and Run Your Race

To further see the power of our gifts, we only have to look at what we dream of in our spare time. You know the things you think about and immediately dismiss as ridiculous or childish. Those are the very indicators screaming to get out and bless the world.

Next Level Living: Stay in Your Lane and Run Your Race | Black Life Coaches Network

Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Myth of the Fairy Tale Relationship.flv - YouTube

The Myth of the Fairy Tale Relationship.flv - YouTube
Do you envision your love life as a fairy tale story? Coach Early Jackson introduces a dose of reality during a discussion with Dr. Towanna Freeman. He says, "Many women believe if they get into enough distress their prince charming will come and rescue them. Relationships aren't a fairy tale. It's time to change your dating pool."

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Hoodie Nation

I asked my wife, Cherese Jackson if she would lend her writting skills to the subject of Treyvon Martin and the racial tension present in our country right now. She agreed, and I hope her article hits home for many.
I oscillated back and forth on whether or not to touch the “Hoodie Nation topic. However my husband went to the barber shop to get his usual edge up. As he entered it was as if he walked into the morgue. As he sat in the chair the barber leaned over and asked how he was holding up during this difficult time. My husband had no idea what he was referencing and asked for clarity. Well, he then said, “I mean how are you holding up with this Treyvon situation”? Then he went on to talk about how he took his son to the store and bought him a hoodie in every color.
I knew then that I would embark upon this emotionally crazed topic. We are usually quite closed-minded about the value of perspectives that run counter to our own but before you close your mind to a view point that may challenge your current thought process at least read on and see if you realize some element of validity to the points presented. Truth is the catalyst of change. Without it we simply relegated to a resolution of what we wish may happen!
It appears we’ve made this more about hoodies than the real issue – which would be the gun laws. I’ve watched the posts that have flooded Facebook along with the millions of tweets that have graced my twitter account.
There has been rally after rally and march after march where people have put on their hoodies in support of the late Treyvon Martin. While this all seems admirable, as it relates to the bigger or real issue it actually minute.
Wearing a hoodie WILL NOT change anything but packing out City Hall on weekends or when town meetings are being held in your communities while they are in session passing the laws that will lead to more tragedies will have a much greater impact.
While we’ve invested time, resources and energy on hoodies, skittles and ice tea the gun laws still remain the same. The issue isn’t either of those three items; the issue is that this young man was shot and killed at close range and the person that pulled the trigger has yet to be charged. Let’s keep the main thing the “main” thing!
If I’m walking down the street and see someone with a hoodie on at night I’m nervous too. It’s a shame that people refuse to be honest concerning this issue. Instead we’re taking pictures in hoodies and posting them on FaceBook and asking if they look intimidating and the answer for most of the ones I’ve seen is YES, you do! That doesn’t mean you deserve to get killed as a result.
The reality concerning Mr. Zimmerman’s actions are:
• He should never have gotten out of his car
• He should never have followed him
• He should never have had his fire arm with him as he followed the young man
• He should have let the Police do the job they are paid to do after informing them of his suspicion
For some reason they felt the need to project an image of a ‘Disney Kid’ to somehow proclaim an innocent kid. He apparently wasn’t this “perfect” little boy and had some behavioral issues and questionable character concerns. However, none of these mattered the day he was killed. But America got emotional and bought into the young child image that was displayed on our televisions and computers and got offended when current pictures surfaced.
The real issue in Florida are the loose gun laws; the unopposed passing of laws that affect certain communities. On the front end, we need to learn to protest instead of all the rallies afterwards. If we don’t handle the front end properly we’ll continue to have temporary “moments” during crisis times instead of a real movement.
Whatever happened to the Jena #6 moment, the Sean Bell moment or the Troy Davis moment? They have faded for the majority of people because they were moments – emotional moments – but not actual movements.
Now what? In the weeks and months ahead what happens? What will we do after we rallied in our hoodies … Will we return to normalcy and await the next injustice or will we exert greater effort to be involved when decisions that affect our lives, and the lives of those near and dear to our circumstance and culture, are being made?
We put too much emphasis on thinking by itself. We have an estimated 40,000 thoughts a day and 96% of them are the same thoughts from yesterday! We have become bundles of conditioned reflexes. Most people are simply prisoners of ‘cultural hypnosis’. This is the cell our family, friends and enviornment have confined us to.
The refusal to develop strategies lays the foundation for a hope based life and creates an incubator for excuses. We have had the conversations, now it is time for all of America to join forces in creating solutions that will make for a better country for us all.
See you at the TOP!
Cherese Jackson
Executive Director

It’s Okay To Ask “Why?”

It’s Okay To Ask “Why?”

Monday, April 2, 2012

It’s O.K. To Ask…Why?

Let’s get real for a second! Life, family and balancing a career can get hectic at times. If we were to gauge from the images and fronts everyone has up, we would think something was wrong with us. After all, no one else seems to be complaining about the relational and economic woes we are experiencing. The fact gas prices have breached four le most dollars in several areas and we’re facing one of the toughest recessions to date, and no relief is in sight. All the while most parade around struggling to keep up a front that isn’t even realistic. We live in a society where questioning the status quo is frowned upon. Just keep smiling and stay in line. This way, no one is called on the celebration of ‘average’ instead of push for excellence.

I want to share with you that it is perfectly normal to get to a point where you want to question when is your time going to come? Often it is the absence of these sobering questions that allow us to remain in a state of comfort an ease. When we expect more of ourselves, our families will rise, our businesses will grow and we will see a society meet the challenge as well. That why staying in your current ‘funk’ without pushing the boundaries, effects more than just you. It creates an acceptance in our culture.

But why do people draw back from demanding more of them?  Here are some basic reasons:

(1) People prefer their made up fantasy land instead of dealing with the real issues: We all have defensive mechanisms we employ to get us through tough times. It is said, we all have our little “ways” that we rely on. When you are ready for a real breakthrough you give up these fantasies to embrace the reality of your life. It is only by doing this can you see a change.

(2) Some worry that doing more will cause others to expect more of them: I know people who worry if they begin to progress, some would no longer treat them with partiality. Exactly! That’s the point. When you can do better, do it. Don’t stay in a rehabilitation state just to get the sympathy of others.

(3) Without seeing an example, some worry they are not able to succeed: Can you imagine getting a huge box filled with furniture that needs assembly, but you don’t have the instructions to do it. How hard would it be to figure out the pieces in the right order? If we can’t connect with those who have done what we seek, it is nearly impossible to achieve our desires.

I believe that failure is a learned behavior. We are born with the DNA to conquer all in our paths. It is when we hear ‘No’ enough, or told to stay restrained enough or commanded to color within the lines and follow all the rules that we learn to live a marginal life of normality. The ones who dare push the envelope and begin to soar are labeled crazy or dreamers. We are told to steer clear of them for fear we would be infected with their zeal.

I wonder what would happen if we all began to embrace the very feelings we were taught to fear. How awesome would we be if we just dreamed and acted on it? Life would be a grand adventure and jealousy would drop to zero. Because each one of us would be so busy experiencing life we would never have time to ‘hate’ on anyone.

This wonderful life is waiting for anyone of us willing to start the journey with a question. Everything has to be questioned if we are to innovate for the future. All the incredible inventions that we use hundreds of times a day were born to those who asked ‘Why’? The pursuit of something new helps evolve the world around us.

See you at the TOP!

Early Jackson

Friday, March 30, 2012

Coach Early Jackson with Dr. Towanna Freeman

March Madness!

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